What’s an SSL Certificate and Why Is It Important for Websites?

An SSL certificate is important to gain the trust of online visitors. Website browsers flag websites that don’t have the certificate as suspicious. They give a warning to users that the site may not be secure. As a result, your site will not attract large numbers of online visitors. A Google survey found that 64 percent of shoppers consider SSL certificates as important for carrying out online transactions.


Sites with an SSL certificate establish an encrypted connection. This ensures the security of website visitor’s confidential information such as credit card, bank account, and other data.


SSL certificates are also used to authenticate a website. They are used to verify that the right website receives the information.


An SSL Certificate is important for eCommerce websites. An SSL certificate is a requirement for compliance with Payment Card Industry (PCI) rules. Moreover, banking websites need to meet the audit requirements.

An SSL certificate represents an added cost of owning a website. But the benefits make the investment well worth it. An SSL certificate will help protect your customers and your online reputation.  

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